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Though the Queen is the most powerful of the pieces, the knight has the unparalleled ability to attack overother pieces. It can, even with its modest range, reach out and touch an oponent in ways that continue to delight players of every level. No friendly or opposing pieces can get in its way or block it once it rides into action.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Chess pieces are often said to value a certain number of pawns.

Pawns are worth 1

Knights and bishops are worth 3

Rooks are worth 5

Queens are worth 8

Thus making queens the most valuable piece when it comes to exchanges. Of course, every position is different, and this is only a basic rule of thumb. Also, the most valuable piece is still not the queen, but the king. A good chess player would be willing to sacrifice every piece he has to save the king.

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12y ago

The Queen. When standing at the centre of the chess board the Queen can reach 14 squares in horizontal / vertical directions and 13 squares diagonally, totalling 27 choices of movement (assuming no obstructions).

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14y ago

The king; it is larger than all other pieces.

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14y ago

The King is the strongest in the sense of importance to the game since the loss of the King is equivalent to defeat .

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Raymond Ez

Lvl 7
2y ago

The most common chess pieces are pawns since there are 8 of them per side, and 16 of them per set, compared to other pieces that have 2 per side, and 4 per set.

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11y ago

Pawns .

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