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The Bishop(s) .

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Q: Which piece on a chess board moves on the same coloured squares?
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What are sides in chess?

If you mean sides as in the players, they are simply "White" and "Black". White always moves first then Black moves. If you means sides as on the chessboard itself, they are called "files" as are all the vertical lines of squares on the board.

What is the term for a series of chess moves in which a particular piece visits all squares?

there is none

32 knights on a chess board without them interfering with one another?

Since when a knight moves it changes the colour of its square, then placing all knights on the 32 white squares, means they can only jump to black squares where there are no knights present, so that's the answer.

What board game has a knight pawn and castle?

The board game in which players castle to protect their king and/or develop a rook is called Chess. To castle, the king and rook being castled can not have moved, the king may not be in check, there may not be a piece between the castling king and rook, and an opponent's piece may not be attacking the squares in which the king moves. To castle, the king moves two squares either towards the kingside rook or the queenside rook, and the rook is placed on the square the king passed through. Castling takes one chess turn.

Is the horse the knight in chess?

If your asking how the Knight moves, it moves three squares in one move, two squares horizontally and one square vertically, or two squares vertically and one square horizontilly. Forwards or backwards.

How many items are used in chess?

A chess board , 32 chessmen , a timer , an optional notepad to record moves = 34/35 items .

How many different places can Queens fit on a chess board?

The queen can be on any of the 64 tiles one a chess board. That is to say that by moving diagonally or laterally there is no place on the board that the queen can't get to given enough moves.

In which game would you use a castle and knight?

You would likely use a castle and knight in a game like Chess, where the knight is a unique chess piece that moves in an L-shaped pattern, and the castle, known as the rook, moves horizontally or vertically across the board.

What is an attraction in chess?

An attraction in Chess can refer to someone becoming tempted by a certain position on the board. Because Chess is an extremely psychological game, this can influence the player to make unusual moves or even mistakes.

Are chess players getting better after each generation?

Chess players are getting better each generation due to watching and understanding the different strategies and moves from past generations. Since a chess board and their pieces never change, there are only so many moves that can made.

Are there more moves on a chess board than atoms in space?

more than all the positive atoms in space

What are the facilities in playing chess?

To play the game of chess a chess board and the chessmen along with a clock-timer to regulate game-play . You made need a notebook to mark the respective moves and a book regarding the rules of chess .