A founded check is when a piece in the middle of the king and the piece moves away.
Pat means stalemate in Chess. Stalemate is a situation in chess where the player whose turn it is to move is not in check but has no legal moves. A stalemate ends the game in a draw.
Not really, according to the rules of chess, you can't castle out of check, therefore, the computer can
A legal check mate in chess is anytime the king piece is in a position that cannot avoid capture by the opponent's pieces. A legal checkmate signifies the end of the chess game.
By placing them in check and they have no way to escape it.
Yes, you can.
A "Chess Maven" refers to a person who has special knowledge or experience in chess ; an expert .
The game of chess uses those terms. Chess does checkmate means your in check and you cant get out and stalemate means you have no where you can move
Sofonisba Anguissola painted The Chess Game in 1555. Wikipedia has an imge. If that is not it check this link with many chess paintings, http://www.jmrw.com/Chess/Tableau_echecs/index.htm
Chess is a game that is played internationally .
king of chess
Rock + Check Mate
A zwischenschach is a certain tactical chess move which is a check.