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The Knight .

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Q: Which piece in chess captures differently than it moves?
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What is something that moves a chess piece?

A human hand.

Opponent moves your piece in chess do you win?

yes that is cheatin

What chess piece moves only unidirectional?

i guess the soldier

What does check mean in chess?

A founded check is when a piece in the middle of the king and the piece moves away.

Is it possible to attack a chess piece with a pawn diagonally?

Diagonal attacking is the only way a pawn can capture another chess piece , besides a En Passant capture , since this is the only way a pawn can attack or threaten another chessmen . See related link below to additional information on how a pawn moves , attacks and captures .

Which piece on a chess board moves on the same coloured squares?

The Bishop(s) .

In chess and you have one piece left what happens after 15 moves?

Nothing. You may be thinking of the 50-move rule, where if 50 moves happen without a capture or a Pawn move, the game is a draw.

What does x in Qxh7 mean in chess?

X means takes, so that weans that the queen takes or captures whatever piece is on h7

What does the term 'skewer' mean in chess?

The skewer is a horrible move in chess: it is a great move to use in chess to get a great advantage. A skewer is when a piece attacks an opponent's piece, that is stronger than the piece attacking it. It moves the piece out of the way, to leave a less valuable piece vunerable. It doesn't sound bad; but it is!

What is the term for a series of chess moves in which a particular piece visits all squares?

there is none

Which chess piece should only be moved diagonally?

The Bishop moves diagonally.

What is the density of a chess piece?

Where is the density of a Chess piece