When a pawn reaches the other side of the board, you may choose to promote it to any piece, other than a king or a pawn. When a pawn is promoted, the new piece is located at the square it was moved to.
(e.g. if you move to e7e8 then the new piece will be located at e8)
Any promoted piece 'starts' at the point of promotion .
Once a pawn reaches the last rank the pawn can be promoted to any piece except the king . Yes , if you already have a queen the pawn can be promoted to another queen .
Your pawn can promote to a Knight, Bishop, Rook or Queen. You CANNOT promote into a new King, however.
yes. For example, if the square that the pawn reaches (and becomes a queen, or another piece of choice) is covered by the opponent's rook, and it is the opponent to make the next move, then the rook can take the new queen.
The new piece can not be moved immediately since the player just moved the pawn to the queening square. However, the effect of the new piece is in place immediately so that, for example, the new queen can deliver check or check mate.
Say white gets their pawn to the other side. They upgrade it to a queen. It is now black's turn. White can't move their new queen right after upgrading without black's turn going by.
Yes , and your opponent must counter the move .
In chess, when a pawn has crossed the board and reaches the last rank, that pawn is promoted. In promotion, the promoting player can claim any piece he wishes. It doesn't matter what he has or doesn't have on the board at the time. This sets the stage for more than one queen or more than two rooks, two bishops or two knights of the same color to be on the board at one time. If you had lost your queen previously, then you can "get your queen back" as asked. It is unusual for a player promoting a pawn to claim anything but a queen. The queen can do anything a rook or bishop can do, and might actually be said to "combine" the moves of both pieces. But there are rare cases where is it of benefit to ask for a knight, as this piece cannot be blocked when it attacks. In what is called under-promotion, the player might elect to take something other than the queen. Such a tactic might allow a player to increase his ability to attack without creating a stalemate because of a positional situation. As stated, the player promoting a pawn has choice of pieces, and must select either queen, rook, bishop or knight.
The only way to reset the Pawn Stars game is to delete the game and reload it. You can also create a new profile to start the game over.
In theory you could have up to 9 Queens on the board at once. You start with one, and each pawn can promote to one. In practice this is very unlikely as your opponent would be wise to resign the game well before getting that far.
The White Queen is placed upon the D1 white square whereas the Black Queen is placed at the D8 black square . The correct orientation, as per the chess rules, is with a black square on your left side as facing the chess board. One of the more common mistakes in setting up the chess board is reversing the king and queen chess pieces. Remember, as per the chess rules, the queen is always on her own color while the king is always on the opposite color . You can look to the link below for further information regarding the Queen in chess .
Actually it is the old queen that goes with a swarm, leaving developing queen larvae and young house bees (workers) in the old hive to start a new colony.