In theory you could have up to 9 Queens on the board at once. You start with one, and each pawn can promote to one. In practice this is very unlikely as your opponent would be wise to resign the game well before getting that far.
Yes , you can have as many queens as long as they are promoted from pawns being advanced to the end of the board otherwise more than one queen is illegal and in contradiction of the Chess rules .
The queen can be on any of the 64 tiles one a chess board. That is to say that by moving diagonally or laterally there is no place on the board that the queen can't get to given enough moves.
The chess fork is usually used at least once in every chess game. There is not a known number.
five times
Yes there are many ways that can happen
Viswanathan Anand has won the World Chess Championship in 2000, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2012 .
7 pawn, bishop, rook (castle), knight, queen, king. Hope it helps. MistroJoe
because she is the queen
Queen insects do not sing.
A chess player has direct control over 16 chessmen : 8 pawns , 2 rooks , 2 knights , 2 bishops , 1 queen and 1 king .
5 times
Once! Every piece gets to move only once per turn, and only one piece can move every turn, except in castling where the king and the rook move.