The Chess knight looks like a horse. It moves ahead 2 and 1 to the side, or ahead 1 and 2 to the side. It can also move back 2 and 1 to the side or back 1 and 2 to the side.
yes, the horse is.
Knight .
The Sea Horse.
The 'horse' in chess is actually called a knight (N) . I'm not quite sure what you mean by knighted.
Knight. (K is silent- sounds like "night") Moves in an "L" shape; 2 over and one across or vice versa.
The horse-shaped chesspiece is called the knight. In chess notation, the knight is abbreviated "N" so as not to confuse it with the King, which is abbreviated "K."
Below is a related link to how the chess pieces move .
Pawn, King, Queen, castle(rook), Bishop, Knight (horse),
There is no knight wolf in a standard or "regular" chess game. There is only the knight.
Both knights and castles (or more commonly known as rooks) are related to chess in the way that they are pieces in a chess game. The knight is usually represented by a carved wooden horse and the rook is represented by tower.
The knight also known as the horse makes an L-shape in chess. It is also the only piece that can jump over other pieces.
A knight's primary weapon is his intellect, but he may have to resort to his shield and sword. His own clan can support him, or protect him if he becomes wounded. In the game of chess, he uses his horse.