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The 'horse' in Chess is actually called a knight (N) . I'm not quite sure what you mean by knighted.

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Q: Could the horse in chess not be knighted?
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Related questions

Is a rook a horse or a knight in the game of chess?

yes, the horse is.

When someone is knighted what does this mean?

Being knighted is the highest honour someone could receive

What are the other name of horse in chess?

Knight .

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How do you use the word knight in a sentence?

There are four Knights in a complete set of chess pieces.

What are the facilities in chess?

It is simple, Chess board with pawn, rock, bishop, horse, queen, and king and of course a referee.

What sea creature resembles a knight in chess?

The Sea Horse.

What was the first computer that could play chess called?

The first chess computer that could play chess was called Deep Blue.

Was the England team 1966 knighted?

No. Whilst certain members of the team have subsequently been knighted, the entire team was not. Sadly England's Captain, Bobby Moore died (as a result of Cancer) before he could be knighted.

Who knighted sir Alexander Fleming?

He was knighted in 1944 by King George VI of the United Kingdom and could from then on address himself as Sir Alexander Fleming.

A white horse jumped over a tower and landed on a priest who immediately disappered from the landscape. Where did this take place?

This scenario likely took place in a dream or fictional story setting, as it involves fantastical elements such as a white horse jumping over a tower and a priest disappearing. Such events are not typically grounded in reality.