Knight. (K is silent- sounds like "night") Moves in an "L" shape; 2 over and one across or vice versa.
yes, the horse is.
The horse was playing a chess game; it jumped over an opponent's piece and landed on a square that had no opposing pieces to capture. This is a common move in the game of chess.
a false checkmate is when someone calls "checkmate" in a chess game and if you can move without getting out then it is a false checkmate. If they call it you get to go 2 times. :) enjoy your chess game!
Typically the term box , in chess , refers to a chess engine. A form of chess playing software. The term box meaning one is playing a box ( the computer ) as opposed to a live opponent.
Because they don't know it's really called chess. (I've never heard it called chest)
Both knights and castles (or more commonly known as rooks) are related to chess in the way that they are pieces in a chess game. The knight is usually represented by a carved wooden horse and the rook is represented by tower.
The "opening moves" begin a chess game. The first opening move goes to the player of the white pieces, followed by a defensive move by the player of the black pieces.
A ten minute chess game is a blitz game of chess.
This game is not Chinese checkers. This game is Chinese Chess. It is somewhat the same as International Chess. This site will show you what the pieces are and how to move them. Chinese Chess is not too hard to learn, but it is sooo much fun to play!! i love you call me lol :)
The 'horse' in chess is actually called a knight (N) . I'm not quite sure what you mean by knighted.
The first game of chess was played in India.
Believe it or not, but it is physically difficult to play game after game after game of chess.