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it moves in an 'L' shape, 2 squares one way - (vertically or horizontally) - and one square in the opposite direction. any piece in the way of the end of the 'L' the knight goes over, but at the tip of the 'L' if there is an opposing piece, the knight only knocks out that piece.

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Q: How exactly do you describe how a knight moves in chess?
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In which game would you use a castle and knight?

You would likely use a castle and knight in a game like Chess, where the knight is a unique chess piece that moves in an L-shaped pattern, and the castle, known as the rook, moves horizontally or vertically across the board.

Which piece in chess captures differently than it moves?

The Knight .

How does the knight in chess get somebody out?

By capturing it(landing on a space that an opponent's piece is already on). A knight moves like an "L".

How is the horse call in the game of chess?

Knight. (K is silent- sounds like "night") Moves in an "L" shape; 2 over and one across or vice versa.

Is the horse the knight in chess?

If your asking how the Knight moves, it moves three squares in one move, two squares horizontally and one square vertically, or two squares vertically and one square horizontilly. Forwards or backwards.

The Frankenstein monster move in chess?

After white moves his king's bishop to c4 on move 3, black takes white's pawn at e4 with his knight from f6.

What are the 3 secret moves in chess?

There are no secret moves

What is the duration of Knight Moves?

The duration of Knight Moves is 1.8 hours.

How does a Knight move?

If you mean in chess then when the knight moves, it can move anywhere so long as it is an L shape. So like, 1 space left then 2 spaces forward. Or 1 space forward and 2 spaces right.

When was Knight Moves - novel - created?

Knight Moves - novel - was created in 1985.

How does a KNIGHT in a chess game move?

The Knight moves in an "L" shaped pattern ~ see the related link below to further information regarding the movement of the Knight .

Can you put 25 numbers on a 5 x 5 grid using the way a knight moves in chess without landing on one square twice?

Yes, Look at "Professor Layton and the Curious Village Walkthrough" site for this and other Knight's Tours