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depends upon how many outs there are at the time of the play

If you have to range to your left to field the ball you would throw to second in order to get the force out regardless of how many outs there are. If there are two outs and the ball is hit sharply straight at you, you could run to third and get the force out there or, if there are less than two outs, you could throw to second to force the runner and try to get a double play.

When the ball is hit to you, you want to A) get as many outs as possible, or B) get the easiest out.

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Q: You are the 3rd baseman a ball is hit to you on the left side of the 3rd base bagthere is a runner on 1st and 2nd base what are you going to do with the ball?
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lol and yes if you he has the ball making this wacky play the runner is out

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No. A runner is out anytime while running to a base if he makes contact with the ball or the glove that the ball is in. On a pop-fly, a player with the ball only needs to touch the base the runner left from if the runner did not tag-up to the bag after the ball was caught.

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if the runner is stealing no but if there was a ground ball and he is running then yes

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Generally, no. Absolutely not. If the baserunner break home on contact, he would be hosed at the plate by the third baseman. If he freezes, and waits for the third baseman to commit to throwing to first, the first baseman would have plenty of time to throw home and nail the runner.

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The first baseman must "have control of the ball". If his hand is on it pinning it to the ground, the call is safe. If he picks it up or in any other way, shows he/she has "control" of the ball, the call is out.

When there is a runner on first - the batter hits a ground ball to the first baseman who steps on first and then tags the runner who remains on first - Who is out?

If the first baseman tags first base, the runner originally on first is therefore not forced to second base and he is safe at first.

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Runner is out.

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The runner is probably out for interference by running into a fielder, if not, he is out if the throw to first beat the runner and the first baseman, or whom ever is covering first, had his foot on the bag when he received the ball.

How do you get a force -play in baseball?

Lets say there is a man on first base, and the batter gets an infield ground hit that is picked off by the shortstop. The shortstop throws the ball to the 2nd baseman who steps on 2nd base before the runner a at 1st can reach it. This is a force out as the 2nd baseman does not have to tag the incoming runner. If the shortstop caught the ball before the ball hit the ground and can throw the ball to the 1st baseman before the runner at 1st can get back and put his foot on the bag, then that would also would be a force out.

Can a first basemen interfere with a runner if play is at first base?

There are two situations when a baseman can tag the base for an out.The first is the force out. A force out happens when a baseman tags the base of the only possible location for the runner. For example, if a batter hits a ground ball to the first baseman, the first baseman only needs to tag first base because it is the runner's only possible destination. Also, if there was a runner on first base and a ground ball was hit, there would be a force out at both second and first base because they runner on first base would be forced to progress one base. With a man on first and second base, you can force at first, second and third, and with the bases loaded, there is a force at every base. If there is a runner on second and/or third, but not first, the runners are not required to progress one base, so there is only a force at first.The second is on the fly ball. If a fly ball is caught, a base runner must touch the base again ("tag up") before moving on to the next base. If they do not tag up after the ball is caught, the baseman at the base from which they left can tag that base for the out. For example, if there is a runner on first base and the batter hits a fly ball, and that ball is caught, the runner must touch the base after the ball is caught before he can leave for the next base. If he doesn't touch the base after the ball is caught, the baseman only need tag the base while holding the ball for the out.

Heres the situation runner on 1st and 2nd with no outs a ground ball is hit to the third baseman but the runner beat the third baseman to the bag and the hitter made it to first fielders choice?

first choice would probably be first base