it bounces better because black peoples balls are big and tht makes it more bouncy also if u got pepperoni nipples it will bounce mad high bro. and raping ladies will improve bouncing skills homie
the asphault does not make the Basketball bounce.when the gravity and air pressure combined hit the ground or a hard surface it changes the directional flow of energy
asphalt has the best bounce and it doesnt make much noise
Grass can impact the bounce of a basketball by absorbing some of its energy. The softer and more damp the grass is, the less bounce the basketball will have compared to a hard surface like a basketball court.
If you mean OUTSIDE the basketball, then no. If you mean INSIDE the basketball, then yes.
Helium will make a basketball bounce higher because when it is put into the basketball the air particles move faster and faster causing the basketball to bounce higher.
you bounce a ball in basketball by hitting the ball against the ground.
125 springs in a rugulation men's basketball, in order to make it bounce properly.
The air in a basketball lets the basketball bounce.
Several factors affect the bounce of a basketball including the height that it was dropped from. The bounce factor includes elasticity, air pressure, force applied to it, and how rigid the surface is that the ball is bounced on.
Yes. More air in the basketball will make it bounce higher. Yes. Replacing the air with even a lighter gasses, such as helium, results in a higher bounce. It follows that, removing air or using heavier gasses to inflate a ball will result in a lower bounce. YES. Adding more air to the ball lessens the particles in the ball to bounce around. Putting more air in a basket ball will definitely make it bounce higher. If you put light gasses in it like helium then it will bounce even higher. If you take air out of it, it will bounce lower.After a while of putting air in a basketball it starts to bounce lower.
no basketball can't not bounce with rubbing alcohol because that is not something that can bounce a basket ball. I am just using my opinion