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Q: Will adding more air inside a basketball make it bounce higher?
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Will more inside a basketball bounce higher?


Will more air inside a basketball make it bounce higher?


Will more air outside a basketball make a basketball bounce higher?

If you mean OUTSIDE the basketball, then no. If you mean INSIDE the basketball, then yes.

Does the air pressure inside a basketball affect how high the basketball bounces the hypothesis?

Yes. A full basketball with medium to high pressure will clearly bounce higher than a flat basketball with low pressure.

What affect the bounce of a basketball?

The pressure from the air inside of it

What makes a basketball bounce higher?

when more pressure is applied to a basketball the ball bounces higher. your strength matters. if your strong, you throw the ball on the ground with all your might it will go very high. air inside the ball also matters. if 3/4 of the ball or less is full the ball will barely bounce. in fact there are chances it will not bounce at all no matter how strong you are. you need to make sure that the ball is full of air if you want it to bounce

Does the altitude affect bouncing a basketball?

Yes, the higher the altitude the higher pressure on the outside of the ball and so the greater the tension of the ball since the particules inside will be pushing out. Therefore it will bounce better.

Does the brand of basketball affect how high or low it bounces?

Basketballs are inflated with air to make them bounce. When inflated, the basketball's elastic bladder is capable of rebounding when dropped or dribbled on a hard surface. In general, the higher the air pressure is inside the basketball, the higher it will bounce.

Why does the pressure inside a basketball increase when you bounce it on the floor?

the number of molecules changes

Does air pressure inside a soccer ball effect it's bounce?

yes. higher pressure = better bounce

How would the temperature effect the bounce of a basketball?

The temperature of a room will effect the amount a ball will rebound (bounce) off the floor, off a backboard or rim. If a basketball is filled with air to the regulation pressure and then it is moved to a room with a higher temperature, the ball will soon start to bounce more. Alternatively if you move it a cooler room it will bounce less. This is because: Pressure = Volume x Temperature. As the temperature rises (assuming there is no leak in the ball to allow the volume of air to escape) the pressure on the inside of the ball will increase, this will increase the bounce of the ball. If, instead of the temperature rising, it decreases the pressure on the inside of the ball will go down and the bounciness of the ball will go down as well.

Will more air inside a basketball make itbounce higher?

Of Course