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Most netballers wear dresses but some wear a skirts and tops. The reason for the short dresses is because they're mad out of light material so not only will it keep them cool and refreshed but because they are short they can't get caught on anything and they don't catch the wind. Therefor they can run faster and not have to struggle.

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hope herrick

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4y ago

Because a man designed the Netball uniform. It's logical.

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Q: Why do netballers wear dresses to play a netball game?
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What does a netball player do while not playing netball?

Apart from training and playing netball, netballers don't do anything different to what other people do. We are still normal people who go to school, study, play sport and enjoy going out with friends.

What is the least amount of persons that can play in netball game?

4 is the least amount that a netball team can have

How do you play a game of netball?

you jump up and punch the ball

How long does a netball game play for?

Way too long for my liking!

Why do netballers wear a uniform?

Because it represents the country town or school you play for.

Why do you need catching as a skill in netball?

You definitely need catching skills to play netball because half the game involves catching.

What was the first netball tournament?

the first people to play netball were the female europeans. the sport was specially designed for females as they couldn't play basketball when they wore their longer dresses. this is why the majority of the players are female, and the international comps are only for women.

What is the venue for netball?

you play netball on a netball court :)

Who is better at netball boys or girls?

People think that netball is traditionally for girls only. However I believe that men can play to

What can you play netball on?

a netball court

What did the name netball come from?

Netball is a shooting game, but the question is why is netball is called netball, because in netball your throwing the ball in the net so that's called net and the ball that your playing with is called ball so that is ball Net ball

What is a bye in the game Squash?

not many netball teams have byes but its when you dont play for a week.