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You definitely need catching skills to play Netball because half the game involves catching.

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Q: Why do you need catching as a skill in netball?
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Related questions

What skill would a defending player use in netball?

jumping, catching, running, blocking, throwing and passing - i think that's all of them.

Closed and open skill in netball?

yes, it is an open skill i would know bcause i play netball for magikz

Why is netball an open skill?

Badminton is considered an open skill because it is a motor skill that is performed in a changing environment.

What skills do you need for netball?

== == == == In Netball, you will need, running skills, catching skills, throwing skills, defending/intersecting skills, shooting skills, teamwork skills, dodging skills, footwork skills, good coordination and stopping skills. Your brain will also need to think fast.

Netball ball handling skills- catching?

Jump when retrieving the ball.

What parts of the appendicular skeleton you use when catching a netball?

you use the phalanges

What skills does catching a netball involve?

when passing a netball you have to throw from the chest if you want a good pass

What equpment do you need for netball?

two netball posts netball pitch one netball two umpires

What qualifications do you need to become a professional netball player?

You need to work your way up the levels, so get into county team/nationals/regional etc. You will then be scouted to play professionally. You need good stamina/fitness levels, team work, agility, skill, height, speed.

Why do you need motivation in netball?

because you need it

Is there an age limit netball for?

yes when you are 50 you will need to quit netball or you can be a coach

What clothing and equipment do you need for netball?

preferably matching netball skirts tops & bibs. also a ball :)