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If you mean two hits in a row then no they cannot hit it twice, but if the receiver hits to the setter and the setter messes up or they hit it to the same person that just received it then it's ok if they hit it again

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

In indoor volleyball, no person can double hit the volleyball unless the middle (blocker) hit the ball after a block.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

You can't hit the ball twice by yourself in beach nor indoor volleyball. You can hit it once have another person bump or set and then hit it again though

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Double touch is illegal unless the player touching the ball blocked it. Blocks don't count as a touch.

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Q: When receiving a serve in volleyball can the ball be double hit?
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What is a receiving in volleyball?

A receiver in volleyball is the person who the ball is sent too. For example, if i serve the ball, the receiver may be any player on the other side of the net.

What Does Receiving A Serve Mean in volleyball?

You receive a serve when the opposing team is serving and when the ball is served over the net, you get the first pass/set of that point.

Is out on a serve in volleyball?

i do not understand your question. but you ca serve the ball out in volleyball.

What is the goal in receiving a serve in volleyball?

to bump set and spike it back to the opposite team ,kill the ball.

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What are the rules in volleyball about double contract?

Double contact of a played ball takes place when the ball makes contact with any part of a player's body more than once. Generally speaking, double contact is only allowed when playing a hard-hit spike on the block or dig. It is a misplay when receiving serve or passing/setting.

What is the receiver in volleyball?

Receiving means to have the ball served to you (the start of the whole play).

When should the setter get the volleyball?

When your talking about receiving that ball from a serve, then no. While setters may "get" the ball from a serve to save it from hitting the ground it is never their goal to receive a serve. In most cases, the back row players will receive the serve and try to bump it to the setter who will, in turn, set it to the hitter. In a real game, it doesn't always happen this way of course but that is the basic set up for volleyball play.

What is the basic kind of serve in putting the ball in play in volleyball?

simple serve

What does the term side out mean in volleyball?

It means you want the ball back from the team that is serving at you. IN other words, you want the ball back so your team can serve.

Where do you serve the ball from playing volley ball?

From outside the volleyball field markings parallel to the volleyball net on your own side.

What do you say before you serve in volleyball?

My volleyball team always says "service!" and when we r receiving the ball we'll call our seems "my seem your seem" repeatedly while pointing to our seems and their seems. Your seem is always to your left.