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Q: What is ball not tossed in volleyball?
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Related questions

Why is the ball in volleyball tossed high before it is hit by the dominant hand in the overhand serve?

It is tossed high so the server can get a good start on the serve. If the ball is tossed too low, the server can't adjust as well and won't serve as well. Also, the dominant hand is used to get more power and accuracy.

What is the indirect object your friend tossed the ball to you?

There is no indirect object in the sentence, "Your friend tossed the ball to you."the noun 'ball' is the direct object of the verb 'tossed'The pronoun 'you' is the object of the preposition 'to'If the sentence were written, "Your friend tossed you the ball.", the pronoun 'you' is the indirect object of the verb 'tossed'. The noun 'ball' is still the direct object of the verb 'tossed'.

what does a ball a coin and a salad have in common?

A ball, a coin, and a salad are all things that can be tossed. A ball can be tossed in a game of catch or basketball, a coin can be tossed to make a decision, and a salad can be tossed with dressing to mix the ingredients together evenly.

Beach volleyball ball?

beach volleyball is a game you play at the beach with friends or family. beach volleyball ball is a soft ball you play with.

How is a basket ball game started?

the ball is tossed into the air

What is palming a volleyball?

Palming a volleyball is holding the ball in one of your hands with the hand holding the ball from the top of the ball.

Why it is called volleyball?

VOLLEYBALL comes from the word VOLLEY which means to bump or hit and a ball is a round hard/soft object.VOLLEY+BALL=VOLLEYBALL. VOLLEYBALL+ME= my life.

Why is volleyball called volleyball?

Volley means to keep something off the ground. In volleyball the ball is not allowed to touch the ground. So essentially volleyball "keep the ball off the ground". I hope this helped. :)

What is present tense of catch?

I am currently catching the ball.

Meaning of dead ball in volleyball?

A dead ball in volleyball is any ball that touches the floor or violates a rule, resulting in an end of the play.

How was volleyball played?

With a Ball

What is the of the volleyball ball?
