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Yes, but it will not effect his batting average

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Q: When a batter is hit by a pitch is it calculated in On base percentage?
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How do you calculate OBP?

OBP = On Base Percentage 1) Take a batter's number of plate appearances and subtract the number of sacrifices (bunts) the batter has. 2) Add the batter's number of base hits, walks, and hit by pitch. 3) Divide the value in 2) by the value in 1) EXAMPLE: The batter has 600 plate appearance and 2 sacrifices. The batter has 160 base hits, 70 walks, and 4 hit by pitch. A) Subtract the number of sacrifices from the number of plate appearances (600 - 2 = 598). B) Add base hits, walks, and hit by pitch (160 + 70 + 4 = 234). C) Divide 234 by 598 (234 / 598 = .391) The batter's OBP is .391.

When can a batter be hit by pitch and not be awarded 1st base?

If a batter is hit by a pitch and the umpire determines he was "leaning over the plate", or "moved into the pitch" then he may not be awarded first base and the pitch will be called a strike or ball

What does the baseball statistic OBP mean?

It is a combination of 3 different stats. They are OBP/SLG/OPS, which mean On Base Percentage (OBP) Slugging Percentage (SLG) OBP Plus SLG (OPS) Here is the formula for each one. On Base Percentage (OBP) is used to determine how often a batter reaches base safely divided by his number of plate appearances. [Hits (H) + Walks (BB) + Hit By Pitch (HBP)] / [At Bats (AB) + Walks (BB) + Hit By Pitch (HBP) + Sacrifice Flies (SF)] Slugging Percentage (SLG) is used to determine how much power a batter has Total Bases (TB) / At Bats (AB) On Base Percentage Plus Slugging Percentage (OPS) is exactly that: OBP + SLG This statistic is used to determine how well-rounded a batter is.

If you get hit with a pitch in fast pitch softball do you get a free base?

Yes, if you are the batter.

What happens if a batter gets hit by a?

If a batter is hit by a pitch, that batter automatically advances to first base.

How is OPS calculated?

OPS stands for 'on base percentage plus slugging percentage' and is equal to (on base percentage + slugging percentage). If a player's on base percentage is .350 and slugging percentage is .500, the OPS is .850.

When a pitch hits the ground before it hits a batter does the batter get first base?

No, in that case it is a ball.

If there was NO wild pitch and the batter receives a walk can he advance on to second base before the next pitch?

Not unless the next batter gets a walk as well. Runners can only move on base hits or walks.

Does Hit By Pitch count towards on base percentage?


Can a batter advance to second base on a walk when the pitch was not wild before the pitch to the next batter?

yes, the ball is not dead on a walk, the batter is free to try to advance to second and risk being put out

In slow pitch softball if the batter-runner is hit by his own batted ball while running to first base he is out can the runners on base advance or must they remain at their base?

batter is out, runners do not advance

What is home plate in baseball?

It is the base that the batter stands at to hit a pitch. This base must be touched to score a run.