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Q: When a ball goes out of bounds at a sideline the game stops and an opponent must?
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If you are trying to save the ball from going out of bounds and you throw the ball off of an opponent when he is out of bounds whose ball is it?

If the opponent has established position out of bounds (at least one foot on the floor) then the ball would still be yours. If the opponent is in the air and has not established position out of bounds the ball is still live.

When the soccer ball goes out of bounds over the sideline what is this called?

The ball has gone "in touch" and the restart is a throw-in.

Is the ball out of bounds if the possessor has any part of their body over the sideline?

Noooooooo, they must step on or out of the actual line.

Is the white side lines on a ping pong table out of bounds?

Yes. The entire surface of the table is in-bounds.

What happens when the ball goes out the sideline?

Depending on which team kicked it out of bounds, the other team sends one of their players to throw the ball back in to play towards one of their own teammates.

Does the opponent get to shoot free throws after a technical foul?

Yes, they do. They also get possession of the ball after the free throws, from the sideline.

In football if the ball goes out of bounds and a player is inbounds and catches the ball when it is out but he isn't is it a complete pass?

The ball is not "out of bounds" unless the ball or the player who possesses it touches the ground in an out of bounds area. So in the case where the ball is in flight over the sideline, and a player who is inbounds catches it and demonstrates control before stepping out, the pass is complete.

If a fumble occurs and the player is out of bounds can he come back and pick up the ball and continue play?

A defensive player may go out of bounds and then come back in bounds and make a tackle or recover a fumble. An offensive player may not go out of bounds voluntarily and then catch a pass. The only other rule about going out of bounds in the college rulebook is that a member of the kicking team may not go out of bounds voluntarily and then come back onto the field to make a play.

Does the clock stop in the last two minutes of a game when someone goes out of bounds?

the clock stops whenever the ball goes out of bounds . Time on the clock makes no difference

When catching the ball on the sideline how many feet must be inbounds to be considered a legal catch?

In the NFL both feet MUST be in bounds. In high school one foot MUST be in bounds, and flag football I believe one, maybe two.

Can a player run out of bounds without the ball because there is no room to go around the defender inbounds in basketball?

if he is just standing near the sideline and you go out to avoid him, its the other teams ball. but if he pushes you out then its called a force out and you imbound the ball where he knock you out.

In college football does the clock stop when going out of bounds?

The game clock stops when a ball carrier goes out of bounds maintaining forward momentum. The game clock continues if the ball carrier's forward momentum is stopped in bounds before he goes out of bounds. For most of the game, the clock is restarted when the line judge resets the ball and whistles play to continue. The exception is in the last 2 minutes of the first half or the last 5 minutes of the second half. In those cases, the clock does not start again until the offense snaps the ball.