Yes, they do. They also get possession of the ball after the free throws, from the sideline.
The team that did not recieve the technical foul, picks a shooter, and then shoot two foul shots, then the team that got to shoot the foul shots get the ball on the side out of bounds.
The opposing team shoots the technical foul free throw, then the player does whatever he would have done after he was fouled - either inbound the ball, or if the opposing team is in the penalty, shoot two free throws. Committing a technical foul does not nullify or offset the original foul.
The team who just was fouled gets the ball at the free throw line, shoots the free throws, the the team who just shot the free throws gets the ball out of bounds close to where the foul happened. In example: Say you get pushed from the back at the top of the key. You will shoot two free throws, then you will get the ball straight across from where the foul took place, on the side lines. Under the basket technical fouls are under the basket out of bounds. There like a regular foul in where you take it out. Different in the free throws because no one is around you.
three i think
a techical foul is when you say yell at the ref perposly push some one down yell at a coach and or player ect while a flagrant foul is you accidently hit someones hand or touch arm or run into them
No the player can not.
On the 10th foul the team goes into double bonus and gets to shoot two free throws
Yes, but only in a very specialized instance. Only when a double technical is called and it is the second technical foul for one of the offenders. In this case, the player with the second technical foul is ejected and both teams will shoot free throws, which is not normally the case with double technical fouls. The team without an ejected player may choose their own shooter, however, the other team can select any player on the opposing team to shoot in the place of the ejected player. This is effectively the only time a player will come off the bench to shoot free throws. The only other instance this is a possibility is when a player is injured and must leave the floor prior to technical free throws being taken.
A flagrant foul1 is like a technical foul. A flagrant2 is a automatic ejection two free throws and possession of the ball.
Nothing. You'd just get called for a foul, and of they are in the bonus, they will get to shoot free throws, but unless it is flagrant nothing will happen.
no that is not aloud you have to pick from the 5 you have on the court when the technical foul happens