Your feet should be a bit wider than shoulder width, knees bent, back straight, with your head up and watching the ball. Your hands should be apart and ready to bump or set. After you play a while, the position will be basically second nature to you.
ready position is when you are down in the squatting position, waiting for the ball to come back to your side, or when the other team is serving, or just waiting for the ball in general. They use this so you are low and have a better aim when the ball comes to you, its better to be low then to be standing.
I don't play volley ball but i think it's used to be ready to pass the ball. Im 12 and that's what my P.E coach tells me.
Jump, swat, spike, serve, hit, hammer, dig, foul, kill, block, middle up If you meet a volleyball girl you should say: I want to be the setter in a five-one and hit you with a strong-side underhand floater so be in the ready position. Or not because that sucked
Usually its bending your knees with your arms in front of you in a "get ready to pass" position. Don't position your arms together yet, until the ball is about 5-6 feet away from you, maybe farther. They way they used to teach is was to act like your sitting in a chair, but that never really worked. usually its just a crouch-ish position
Usually its bending your knees with your arms in front of you in a "get ready to pass" position. Don't position your arms together yet, until the ball is about 5-6 feet away from you, maybe farther. They way they used to teach is was to act like your sitting in a chair, but that never really worked. usually its just a crouch-ish position
Here are some things that I have learned: Do not have both hands in the air Always stay in ready position and do not stay straight and bend your knees when you do it.
into you mom
into you mom
Safe, until ready to fire.
Usually its bending your knees with your arms in front of you in a "get ready to pass" position. Don't position your arms together yet, until the ball is about 5-6 feet away from you, maybe farther. They way they used to teach is was to act like your sitting in a chair, but that never really worked. usually its just a crouch-ish position
Usually its bending your knees with your arms in front of you in a "get ready to pass" position. Don't position your arms together yet, until the ball is about 5-6 feet away from you, maybe farther. They way they used to teach is was to act like your sitting in a chair, but that never really worked. usually its just a crouch-ish position
# overhand serve # underhand serve # bump # set # spike # rally # match # game # volley # volleyball # line judge # out # in # boundaries # court # footwork # net # foul # point # recreational # professional # player # approach # contact # swing # smack # ready position # game point # stance # position