For stability and power, the legs, our inner and outer and the core muscles. For keeping the bat a fixed and firm our forearm muscles and triceps.
your legs and arms,also your wrists. if you are scared in softball, just breathe. that will help you the most.i got hit in the arm once. just breathe.
they use a bat...... watch ESPN and youll find that out...... ain't you smart.... lol...
During the arm elevation phase from the 6 to 3 o'clock position, the supraspinatus muscle fired at its highest rate, centralizing the humeral head within the glenoid. From the 3 to 12 o'clock position phase, the posterior deltoid and teres minor muscles worked at their highest capacity to maintain arm elevation and externally rotate the humerus.
It is not all all hard to hit a softball. It only depends on if you are good or not or if you can hit the ball or not.
You're using majority the muscles of the legs in most of the softball skills from running to fielding and even when you bat and throw. Core muscles are used in most of the softball skills as well. When throwing you use your back and triceps for batting you're using your forearms as well. For pitching your shoulders, legs, core and back are working
The perfect softball hit is when the batter is able to reach on base because of the hit. The perfect softball hit is also when you are able to advance the runner to the next base or have the runner get a score. Homerun
With a bat
Well, it's pretty much the power in how hard you can throw. Answer: Throwing. (You use your muscles)
28. Does that answer this stupid question?
baseball or golf alot of muscles to hit a little white ball
Softball bats are designed to hit softballs. Hitting a baseball with a softball bat may damage the bat. Either hit a softball or get a baseball bat if you do not want to risk damaging your bat.