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Q: What is the preparation action recovery lay up in basketball?
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Lay-up shot is a term associated with which game?


What is the easiest shot in basketball?

the lay-up

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lay basketball with them....... honestly... :D

What are the different drill in basketball?

lay ups free throws etc.

Lay-up shot is a term associated with which of the game?

basketball, volleyball, golf

What are the biomechanics of a basketball layup?

The bio-mechanics of a lay up is in the legs and arms.

What are the 3 key points to do a lay up basketball?

There are really three keys to the lay up shot in basketball. First, there is the dribble to the goal. Second, is the angle to the goal as the player leaves his/her feet. Finally, there is the release of the shot.

Why lay someone on their left side for recovery from CPR?

Because if they vomit, you don't want them to aspirate it.

Is you are like the best basketball player a simile?

Depends on how and what you are comparing to with a basketball player. For example. "His lay up was so perfect it was like he the best basketball player ever to make such a shot."

Lay up shot is a term associated with which of the games?

In the NBA, a layup is when the player takes FOUR steps towards the basket and leaves off one foot (usually opposite of shooting hand) and attempts to score a basket (backboard or no backboard). The term is the same in NCAA, and HS basketball just 2 steps instead of the NBA 4 stepper.