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The bio-mechanics of a lay up is in the legs and arms.

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Q: What are the biomechanics of a basketball layup?
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Do you have to know how to do a layup to join a team?

If you are talking about playing basketball, it generally would be a good idea to know how to 'do' a layup. In basketball, the layup is one of the most important shots in the game because most points are scored that way.

Which shot is mostly taken on the run in basketball?

a layup.

What's the most common shot in basketball?

The most common shot in basketball is a layup.

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Do you have to dribble for a layup?

You can be walking, running, or standing still when dribbling the basketball.

What is it called when you shoot a basketball under the net?

I believe the term you are looking for is "layup"

Why do pro basketball player take more than 2 steps in a layup?

because they cheat

What shot is the safest shot in basketball?

Bank Shot

Is it easier to shot with a 2.58 basketball or a 7.5 basketball?

It depends on where you are shooting from. if its in a layup u can use both, it also depends and what size you are. my opinion is 7.5

What does layup mean in basketball?

It's when you run up to the hoop and simply lay the ball in to the rim with on hand while jumping off of one foot

How do you use unskillful in a sentence?

She made an unskillful attempt at playing the piano during the recital.