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You would use vaseline illegally.

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Q: What is the best substance to shine a cricket ball with illegally?
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How do you swing a cricket ball without any shine like wasim akram?

by bowling a new ball in dream,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

What is inside the cricket leather ball?

cork" A black colored substance"

How do you make a cricket ball shine?

Put brylcreem on one side and rub it on white cloth or use your saliva or sweat instead of brylcreem.

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Cricket ball Cricket ball

How do you make a swing ball for cricket?

The bowlers and the teammates used to make the ball shine on one side. When the bowler bowls with the seam , if he shining side of the ball is on one side then it cuts the air due to friction and the ball moves on the same side.

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Is a lacrosse ball bigger than a cricket ball?

No, a cricket ball is much larger than a golf ball.

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Cricket Ball yaar

Why cricket ball has more inertia than rubber ball?

because cricket ball has greater mass

What is the stitching called on a cricket ball?

The stitching on a cricket ball is called the equator or the seam.

How a ball in cricket is declared as a jerk?

A jerk ball in cricket doesn't pertain to a ball, but to the way a ball is thrown. It is the motion of the ball.