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No, a cricket ball is much larger than a Golf ball.

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cricket ball is bigger

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What is heavier a lacrosse ball or baseball?

A lacrosse ball is very different from a baseball. It is heavier and more bouncy. A baseball is light and stings when you get hit, a lacrosse ball is more of a thud since it is heavier. A lacrosse ball is not harder than a baseball, but it does hurt more when you get hit by one.

Is a softball smaller than a cricket ball?

Golf balls must weigh less than 45.93g and have a diameter greater than 42.67mm. A cricket ball has to weigh between 155.9g and 163g, and have a circumference between 22.4cm and 22.9. The cricket ball is bigger.

Is cricket like lacrosse?

Not even close. Cricket is more like baseball than anything else.

Which has more inertia-a cricket ball or a rubber ball?

The cricket ball has more inertia than the rubber ball because inertia is directly proportional to mass. The cricket ball is denser and heavier than the rubber ball, making it harder to change its state of motion.

What is a threat to a cricket?

anything bigger than the cricket itself

Why does a lacross a lacrosse ball bounce higher than a wiffle ball?

A volleyball is softer than a soccer ball.

Why cricket ball has more inertia than rubber ball?

because cricket ball has greater mass

Why is the two piece cricket ball cheaper than the four piece cricket ball?

it is because of the fact that two piece ball is heavier than four piece ball.

Is an egg heavier than a cricket ball?


Can a cricket ball bounce more than twice?

Yes, a cricket ball can bounce more than twice on the ground during a cricket match. The number of bounces does not affect the rules of the game as long as the ball is still in play.

What is smaller than a softball?

Ping Pong Ball / Table Tennis Golf Ball Cricket Field Hockey Lacrosse Billiards / Pool Squash Are all smaller in diameter than a baseball

Why is it easier to catch a tennis ball as compared ta a cricket ball moving with the same velocity?

because a tennis ball is softer and lighter than regular cricket ball.