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12 bps or just holding the button down on original settings.

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Q: What is psp mode on a paintball gun?
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What are millennium paintball rules?

Millennium has similar rules to the USPL, PSP, and any other paintball league. The difference is the firing modes. USPL is in semi, PSP is in PSP mode, and Millennium us obviously in Millennium.

What is ramp millenium on paintball guns?

PSP stands for Paintball Sports Promotions. It is professional paintball league. PSP Ramping is the type of firing mode they use in that league. When a marker is in PSP Ramping mode it means the first three shots you fire (if they are within 1 sec of each other) will be semi-automatic. After the first three shots are fired, and you keep pulling the trigger atleast once every 1 sec, the gun will then add shots and fire 3 shots per trigger pull. PSP Ramping mode is capped at 13.33 Balls Per Second.

What is ramp PSP?

Ramp psp is a firing mode for a electronical paintball. It is a firing mode which is activated from the macro switch detecting 5 paintballs being fired per second and will register as 13.3 paintballs fired per second.

Where do you get the paintball object in Littlebigplanet?

If You Go On The Little Big Planet Shop On Little Big Planet On The PSP There Is A Pack Called: Metal Gear Solid Pack. The Paintball Gun Is Included In The Pack. That Is The Only Way To Get The Paintball Gun. P.S The Metal Gear Solid Pack Is £4.99

What is semi-automatic mode on a paint ball gun?

Where one trigger pull shoots one paintball.

Is invert mini paintball gun automatic?

The invert mini HAS an automatic mode, but is preset to semi-automatic.

What is the purpose of a paintball gun?

The purpose of a paintball gun is to fire paintball pellets, to mark opponents in the game of paintball.

What are paintball markers?

A paintball marker is a paintball gun. It is just called a marker instead of a gun.

What makes the best airsoft and paintball bunkers?

Certified psp paintball bunkers

What is NXL mode for paintball guns?

NXL mode on paintball markers is the mode used by the National X-ball League. When in NXL mode the marker fires semi automatic for the first 3 trigger pulls, after that the gun will fire Full-Automatic if the trigger is held. NXL is capped at 15 Balls Per Second.

Shocker sft paintball gun to semi-automatic?

The sft should come stock with semi mode on. If it is not, turn the gun on while holding the trigger. From here, pull the trigger one time and it should be in semi mode.

Is a paintball gun dish washer safe?

No, do not expose your paintball gun to water.