It is 60 feet from home to first on a softball field. It is the same distance between all the bases. The pitcher's mound is 40 to 43 feet way depending on the level of competition. The depth of the outfield varies from field to field.
what is the Illinois high school softball pitching distance
no, it is 43 ft...but high school and asa has been changed to 43 ft also
The first women's softball team was formed in 1895 at Chicago's West Division High School.
2010-11 season as required by the NFHS
yes, a high school softball catchers glove can be white.
It is 60 feet from home to first on a softball field. It is the same distance between all the bases. The pitcher's mound is 43 away in college softball. The depth of the outfield varies from field to field.
40ft in high school, as of now.... 43 in college right now and soon to be high school
It is 60 feet from home to first on a softball field. It is the same distance between all the bases. The pitcher's mound is 40 to 43 feet way depending on the level of competition. The depth of the outfield varies from field to field.
at least high school
under 3 seconds
The first softball team was vogt. vogts softball team began in 1998..the first person to sign up was A women name Kim Terross