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Q: What is considered a good time for funning from home plate to first base in high school softball?
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Related questions

What year was the first woman's softball team formed?

The first women's softball team was formed in 1895 at Chicago's West Division High School.

What was the first softball team?

The first softball team was vogt. vogts softball team began in 1998..the first person to sign up was A women name Kim Terross

Did softball form from baseball?

no, softball came first

In softball what is a safe hit?

A safe hit is considered a hit that is not fielded and the batter makes it to first base without getting out.

In softball which team bats first in a game?

The visiting team bats first in a softball game.

Who was the first woman softball player?

The first women to play softball was Jennie Finch in 1952.

When did girls start playing softball?

The first women's softball team was formed in 1895 at Chicago's West Division High School. They did not obtain a coach for competitive play until 1899. But in 1904, the Spalding Indoor Baseball Guide devoted a large section of the guide to the game of women's softball (presumably to reach a new demographic for its equipment) and the women's game began to grow.

When was the first softball game?

The first game of softball was played on Thanksgiving Day in 1887 in Chicago. George Hancock is credited with the invention of the (originally) indoor game.

What is distance from home to first in high school softball?

It is 60 feet from home to first on a softball field. It is the same distance between all the bases. The pitcher's mound is 40 to 43 feet way depending on the level of competition. The depth of the outfield varies from field to field.

Compare the first softball game to present softball games?

older softball was a slower pitch cause they are not as strong or built as we are today!!!

What century was softball first played?


Where did softball first play?
