no, it is 43 ft...but high school and asa has been changed to 43 ft also
what is the Illinois high school softball pitching distance
2010-11 season as required by the NFHS
In 18 U Gold softball and collegiate softball, the distance from the plate to the pitching mound is 43 feet. This is because the pitchers at these levels throw much faster than the pitchers in the lower levels. In high school at 14U - 18U the pitching distance is 40 feet. Notice there is a difference between 18U and 18U Gold level.
In 18 U Gold softball and collegiate softball, the distance from the plate to the pitching mound is 43 feet. This is because the pitchers at these levels throw much faster than the pitchers in the lower levels. In high school at 14U - 18U the pitching distance is 40 feet. Notice there is a difference between 18U and 18U Gold level.
The pitching distance is 40 feet from home plate to the back of the pitching rubber. For 18U Gold and collegiate softball the pitchers mound is 43 feet away. This is because pitchers throwing at these levels throw much faster than those at the lower levels, making it a lot harder for batters to identify pitches.
From high school on, it is 60' 6".
It varys, I play in a 12u league and we pitch from 40 feet but I'm sure in higher league(high school, college, etc.) they pitching mounds will be further away
According to the National Softball Association rulebook, Women's Adult Slow Pitch Divisions shall have a pitching distance of 53 feet.
They are practically the same. I've played both, the only difference is the pitching, the size of the ball, the size of the bats, and if you are playing for leagues or school then boys play baseball and girls play softball.
generally it is 40 feet, at least for jr high, high school ages under 10 yrs of age are 35 ft, 11-14 is 40 ft and high school is 43 ft
It is 60 feet from home to first on a softball field. It is the same distance between all the bases. The pitcher's mound is 40 to 43 feet way depending on the level of competition. The depth of the outfield varies from field to field.
yes, a high school softball catchers glove can be white.