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A scrimage is a fake or friendly game of soccer.

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14y ago

it means a fake or friendly game of soccer.

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Can you get a Rhino on Halo Wars Scrimage?

I believe you cannot get a Rhino tank in a skirmish

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10-15 yards

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How many players need to be on the line of scrimage?

The offense must have 7 players on the line of scrimmage.

If a ball is passed forward but behind the line of scrimage and dropped is it a fumble or incomplete pass?

incomplete pass

Does the offense get a first down on an offsides penalty in football?

When the defensive player moves over the line of scrimage and touches an offensive player before the ball is hiked. It's when a defensive player moves over the line of scrimage before the ball is snapped. If he touches an offensive player it's known as encroachment.

Which 2 running backs had longer runs from the line of scrimage than LT last year?

Warrick Dunn & Chester Taylor

What is offiside in the NFL?

Offside is when the defensive line men steps off the line of scrimage and makes contact with the offensive line man

Is a pass illegal if it is thrown from behind the line of scrimage in football?

No! A pass is only legal if it is thrown from behind the line of scrimmage. A pass is illegal if it is thrown from in front of the line of scrimmage.

Which football player lines up on the line of scrimage to block but is also available to cath the ball?

The Tight End is a receiver as well as a blocker, a very versital position requiring skills in multiple areas.