when they say that they mean the bat has no more bounce or energy when in contack with the ball
The lightest type of wooden bat i have used has been Ash, it is very durable, light and has a good pop to it.
Probably either a Stealth or any Tpx bat is good. They have a lot of pop to them which will carry the ball further.
the cf4 is the better bat it has great pop
I have an exo grid and a Triton the exo grid has more pop but the Triton has a bigger sweet spot so u wont pop out as much with the Triton
There is no acronym for POP in baseball. It can follow pop-up, pop out and pop fly. Pop meaning it was hit off the bat.
It is all down to preference. I have used both bats and see the Voodoo as a slight difference in weight (heavier) but I have also gotten more pop with it. The CF5 will give you much more bat speed. I prefer the Voodoo. It's a great bat with serious pop and increases over time. Good Luck, Hope it Helped! -Dan
Pop out (4) Second Baseman
Swing it in live batting practice. Just hitting of a tee will help, but you will never know for sure until you hit live pitching. But definitely try it out in practice, not in a game. Hitting live pitching will let you know if you can swing the bat and hit a fastball, but still hold up and hit a curveball or changeup. You want to be able to have good bat speed, but a bat too light will not provide much power.
2011: stealththe new composite easton speed*Answered in 2011*2013: The best bat in 2013 is the Easton S1 or XL1. Yes they're pricey but its worth the money. Trust me!*Answered in 2013*
the better bat would definitely be the easton stealth. the demarini cf4 is a good bat too but if the bat is hit on the wrong part of the bat, the ball will not go like it does on the easton. the stealth has a massive sweet spot/barrel and also has a lot more pop than the demarini.