when they say that they mean the bat has no more bounce or energy when in contack with the ball
There is no acronym for POP in baseball. It can follow pop-up, pop out and pop fly. Pop meaning it was hit off the bat.
the cf4 is the better bat it has great pop
You don't, it well randomly pop up.
losing virginity
someone email me @ kibumo97@gmail.com cuz im bored
A COMbat I have a Virus And A Throttle .... First Contact the ball goes
The lightest type of wooden bat i have used has been Ash, it is very durable, light and has a good pop to it.
Probably either a Stealth or any Tpx bat is good. They have a lot of pop to them which will carry the ball further.
Definately the -10 if you swing the bat fast enough, which you'd have to swing pretty slow not to. The -10 is the best for you probably (more pop)
it weighs as much as tittes and a55 cheeks
Barrel: Liquidmetal®Frame: Cre Alloy-The bat hits the ball very well with TONS of pop, but it dents VERY easily.