Basketball where someone is holding the net while you shoot and then you take turns
As long as you don't touch the net, and the ball doesn't touch the ground, yes.
they kicked the ball into the net
You can throw the ball in the air and catch it. If you have a net with your Nerf ball then you can throw the ball into the net. You can also pass the ball to another person and play catch.
Even of the ball hits the top of the net, if it goes over, it is still in play.
Hi The answer is no cause Irene's parent don't want her to play net ball but she choose to play that sport so that she can meet lot's of people.
no.. if you touch the net, the ref will blow the whistle and the ball goes to the opposite team
no you are not aloud to touch the net at all in volley ball even if you fall into the net the point is awarded to the other team this can be judged by the umpire in the game, the ball is aloud to touch the net and go over but no person is aloud to touch the net or even put tthere hands over the net to block the ball.
There is no official name for that shot. It is generally considered a layup, depending on how they shoot the ball.
Let's play tennis! A good way to recognize prepositions is to imagine a tennis net. Now think of a tennis ball as a preposition (e.g., the ball can go "through" the net, the ball can go "over" the net)
When you touch the ball with your head and it goes away it is called heading. you can head a ball into the net.
If you throw the ball into the net, it is the other team's ball and is put back into play as if the ball had crossed the touchline to the left and right of hte goal. No point is awarded.
a ball and a net if you want to play real volleyball