Even of the ball hits the top of the net, if it goes over, it is still in play.
beach volleyball is a game you play at the beach with friends or family. beach volleyball ball is a soft ball you play with.
Have a basic idea of how to play volleyball. The objective is toServe the ballReturn the ballDon't let the ball hit the ground on your sideDon't hit a ball that is out of boundsAnd the like. Some simple rules will come naturally.source: wikihow.com
dead ball
you play the game with a ball
In softball you hit the ball with a bat and play the field with a mit. In volleyball you play with a bigger ball and it is blown up. In volleyball you bump,spike,set and hit. Theses are the big differences.
hit de ball
Putting the ball into play.
a ball and a net if you want to play real volleyball
A dead ball in volleyball is any ball that touches the floor or violates a rule, resulting in an end of the play.
To have fun, strengthen your arms, compete, improve, and make new friends! :)
when the person doesn't serve yet
No you can not