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There is no official name for that shot. It is generally considered a layup, depending on how they shoot the ball.

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net play shot

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Q: What type of shot is used when a player is at the net and hits the ball before it bounces on his side of the net?
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The bounce took place before the ball was hit so the ball is a fly ball.

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No. You fool.

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yes u still get the point b/c the ball was out causeing the ball to be dead and u get the point if the oppising player hit the ball out of bounds on a RETURN if the opposing player served it and it was out they get 1 more do over and if it is out again u get the point whether u hit it back or not b/c once its out its dead

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The ball is fair.If it bounces fair and the player catches it then steps in foul territory,it's fair because he touched the baseball before it went foul.

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A soccer ball bounces as the air particles in them hit and apply pressure at the ball, when it hits a surface, the pressure from the particles apply a force on the ball. Thus, making it bounce.

Does cricket ball have to bounce when bowled?

The ball doesn't have to bounce, but if it passes the batsman above the waist before it bounces then it will be a no-ball. If it hits the ground, then bounces over head height, it will be allowed once per over. any more head height bouncers will be classed as wides.

If a ball bounces in foul territory and then hits the foul pole above the fence?

Foul ball

What happens when light hits objects?

it bounces!! like a bouncy ball!

In nrl if the ball hits your head and bounces forward is it a knock on?

absolutely not

What if your ball goes in the hole and hits the lip of the cup and bounces out?

Tough, but it is out.

What does volly mean in volly ball?

A volley is when a player obstructs the ball if he, or anything he wears or carries, touches the ball in play when it is above or travelling towards the playing surface, not having touched his court since last being struck by his opponent. So, very simply, a volley is when a player hits the ball before it bounces on his side of the table. This is not allowed.