A CMETL can serve as a starting point for DMETL development. CMETL is an acronym for Core Mission Essential Task List.
A CMETL can serve as a starting point for DMETL development. CMETL is an acronym for Core Mission Essential Task List.
Pyruvate is transported to the mitochondria to serve as a starting point for the Krebs cycle. Once in the mitochondria, pyruvate is converted into acetyl-CoA, which then enters the Krebs cycle to be oxidized for energy production.
That would be a foul, giving you the point, and under the current rules, the point and serve.
Carbon dioxide and water are the two molecules that serve as starting materials for glucose synthesis.
Using an archetype can help provide a foundation for a character by establishing familiar traits and behaviors that the audience can easily recognize and understand. It can also serve as a starting point for character development, allowing the writer to explore how the character diverges from or subverts traditional expectations associated with that archetype. Archetypes can help create depth and complexity in a character by allowing them to embody universal themes and struggles.
Winning the point in which a game can be claimed on an opponent's serve.
The right to serve is decided by the court and the person that scored the last point will serve. <3
Proteins are used to make energy, and store it. They also serve a purpose to help bone development.
When the serving team loses a point, the serve changes to the opposing team. Each of the players on a team serve alternately when the team has the serve.
If a let is given it means you play the point again, for example 1. You get your first serve in and when playing the point you get a let. You now get to play your first and second serve. 2. You miss your first serve but get your second in and get a let during the the point. You now get to play JUST YOUR SECOND SERVE.
The eggs of a fish are called roe, while the eggs of an invertebrate like a lobster are called spawn. These eggs serve as the starting point for the development of new individuals.