That would be a foul, giving you the point, and under the current rules, the point and serve.
an overarm shot
When you are pushed to the back of the court by your opponent. In badminton doubles, a good time to use the clear is when you or your partner is under pressure or out of position (defensive), or when your opponents are too far forward or in each others way (offensive). For more detailed tactical advice regarding the overarm clear and other overarm shots, see the related link.
An overarm topspin serve is a hard type of serve. The ball rotates around itself forward to make it to powerful to recieve it. This is caused by a quick flick of the wrist by the server.
An "ace" happens on a serve where you hit the birdie to the opponents side and they miss. This is an "ace".
A serve that can be retaken is called
A serve which is not returned.
the area where you serve is a square
a serve is were you use a variety of techniques to get the shuttle to the other side.
Serving in badminton is opposite from the form used in tennis. To serve, hold the bird in one hand and hold the racket below it. Then drop the birdie and hit the center of the rubber tip with an underhand motion.
The better one.
Dead, I think.