The right to serve is decided by the court and the person that scored the last point will serve. <3
You flip a coin and the winner can either decide to serve or receive or they can choose the side to start on. The other player chooses one of the options the other player did not choose.
A serve in tennis is when you have the ball to start a game. For instance, the score is 3-4 games, you with 3 games won, and it is your turn to serve. A serve is when you hit the ball on the opposite side of the court in the square. Example: Standing on the right side to serve, you hit it in the square on the left side.
Sports where you serve a ball include tennis, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, and pickleball. In tennis, the serve starts each point, while in volleyball, the serve initiates play and is crucial for scoring. Badminton and table tennis also require a serve to start each rally, and in pickleball, the serve is used to begin each point as well.
It is decided on how they are good at sex
You can hit an underhand serve in tennis; however, the overhand serve is more effective because it is more powerful. That is why you don't see the underhand serve used much.
a serve
A tennis ball!
It depends on how hard you want to hit the ball
a tennis ball