to set the ball
A forearm pass is best. (bump)
a guess. Dig.
a forearm is when u try to get the volley ball up so the other team won't get it back on time to ur team and a volley is when u pass the volley ball law then the other team should do the dig which most of people forget all the time
pointing down
The palm of the hand does not touch the ball in a soccer game THE GUY WAS ASKING ABOUT VOLLEY BALL DOUCHE
Kind of, Bumping and forearm passing have similarities with each other, Bumping a ball doesn't require any movement with your legs or arms, you just keep your arms in a locked platform until the ball contacts your arm. Forearm passing involves movement from both arms and legs, to power the pass.
When you use one arm with a fist to pass the ball. The ball meets or hits your forearm which is the part of arm between your hand and your elbow.A forearm pass is when a player stretches their arms out in front of them and puts their hands together, one hand on top of the other, and thumbs next to each other. When a volleyball is thrown or hit, you use your forearms, just above your wrist, or your platform, to pass the volleyball up in the air.
A bump is when you pass the ball with your forearm, often used to receive a hard serve, or a ball that is too low to pass on above your head, and is one of the basic skills to master in Volleyball. A bump is usually the first pass which goes to the setter for a hitter to hit it over. The precision of the bump is not the best, so to prepare an attack (with a spike) i.e. to "set", an overhand pass i preferred, with the fingertips. To bump, you put your hands together, thumb to thumb, closing one fist on the other to form a "ball". Then the incoming ball is hit from below with a distinct impact, and may gain high velocity. A bump is also called a forearm pass or just a pass, but is sometimes used as well to hit the ball to the opponents' court side, as a weak "attack".
A bump pass is when a player stretches their arms out in front of them and puts their hands together, one hand on top of the other, and thumbs next to each other. When a volleyball is thrown or hit, you use your forearms, just above your wrist, also known as your platform, to pass the volleyball up in the air.