my personal answer to this would be no. Cheerleading takes every single muscle in your body to do everything, swimming is mainly just your arms and legs. i have been a competitive cheerleader for 11 years now and I'm 14 years old. so i think i would know about cheerleading..
swimmind kkk?
No cheerleading is way harder and you learn many diffrent skills that involves cheering,dancing, tumbling and stunts. Gymnastic invovles Vault, Beam, and Floor and in cheerleading compettions worlds and many more :) PS: GO GREENSBORO ALL-STAR CHEERLEADING!
Cheerleading can help your health by making you fit. Most people do not realize it but, cheerleading is a lot harder than it looks. There is a lot of physical ability that is needed to be able to cheer.
If you ask me, the stunts are both the same. No matter what you cheer for, you have the same stunts, tumbling.
it depends in gymnastic you have the bars and beams which are hard but in cheerleading you have stunting and jumping. then in both you have tumbling which can be hard. i think both of the sports are hard and difficult.
Cheerleading is NOT an amateur sport, but everyone thinks it is. People probably think this because only girls participate in this sport most of the time. But the truth is, cheerleading is much harder than most sports. Like I say, "athletes lift weights, cheerleaders lift athletes."
Cheerleading is a rush, it keeps you fit, you never know when your body will give up but when you think it will push it harder. cheerleading is throwing girls up and over your heads for a living and when it falls you start from the beginning. cheerleading is wearing short skirts for those football players and popping your butt whenever they look. cheerleading IS a sport people say it isn't but it is. cheerleading is very competitive and whenever you step on that big blue mat at comp it means to give it your all and hitting all your moves ten times better for that hundreth of a point that you need to beat the that the definition of cheerleading!
Gymnastics and Cheerleading are much alike in ways but Gymnastics is way harder Gymnast do tumble and do flips on the ground but they also do it 6 feet in the air on a 4 inch beam! Gymnastics gets judged on skills and if you don't do them perfect, that's just to bad. Most sports have an hour or longer to do there sport or a certain amount of tries, but gymnastics gets only one.
Swimming and Cheerleading are two totally different things. Both take a lot of hard work and determination, but in different areas. With swimming you have to learn to work your muscles in the water and with cheer you have to be able to move your muscles on the hard gym floor and on the track!!
Competition cheerleading is much more extreme. The stunts are harder, and the tumbling is much more advanced. That is not to say that it is unbearably hard and impossible. It is a challenge. You may feel sore until you get used to the workout. But I highly recommend it, it is a great sport.
Cheerleading, one word.
ella hace cheerleading that means she does cheerleading in spanish