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Yes, because it is in-direct and so if it was shot and the ball went into the goal with no one touching it, the goal would not count.

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Q: Is it true that an in direct kick must be touched by a player before entering the goal?
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No. The ball must be touched by another player (see Law 13).

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That depends if its out of the park no. If its in the park yeah.

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If the crosses the goal line (but not into the goal), and last touched an offensive player; it is a goal kick. It is a corner kick if it was last touched by a defending player.

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This is from the NFL rulebook:"Any eligible offensive player may catch a forward pass. If a pass is touched by one eligible offensive player and touched or caught by a second offensive player, pass completion is legal. Further, all offensive players become eligible once a pass is touched by an eligible receiver or any defensive player."Since the pass was touched by either an eligible receiver or a defensive player and then caught it is a legal catch.