In Major League Baseball, according to Rule 6.08 (d,) the ball is in play as long as it's in fair territory and it touches a field umpire after it goes by any of the other Infielders except for the Pitcher that was currently on the mound.
if the umpire is inside the base path, then it is a dead ball... no pitch --- if the umpire is outside the base paths then it is a live ball
no it is considered a dead ball
The ball is dead whenever the umpire calls "time", whenever it goes out of play, when it becomes a foul ball, whenever a pitch hits a batter, or whenever a batted ball hits a runner (and a few other circumstances). It doesn't matter whether the pitcher has it or not. On the other hand, it can't be put back _in play_ until the pitcher has it and is on the rubber.
If it hits the umpire behind home plate, it is a foul ball. If it hits a field umpire who is in bounds, then it is a live ball, meaning that the batter might be thrown out at first, or he might reach first base safely (and then this would be scored as a hit without an error),
Yes. Ball is dead. Batter is awarded 1st and all runners advance 1 base. Rule 5.09 (f)
According to MLB rules, that would depend on the situation. MLB Rule 5.09(f) states that the ball becomes dead and runners advance one base, or return to their bases, without liability to be put out when "A fair ball touches a runner or an umpire on fair territory before it touches an infielder including the pitcher, or touches an umpire before it has passed an infielder other than the pitcher. Rule 5.09(f) Comment: If a fair ball touches an umpire working in the infield after it has bounded past, or over, the pitcher, it is a dead ball. If a batted ball is deflected by a fielder in fair territory and hits a runner or an umpire while still in flight and then is caught by an infielder it shall not be a catch, but the ball shall remain in play." If the ball hits the umpire first, the ball is dead. If a defensive player touches the ball and then the ball hits the umpire, the ball is live.
nope. i wish!
Yes, it is interference. If, in the umpire's judgment, it was unintentional, the play continues as normal. If it was intentional, the ball is called dead and runners/batter gets two bases.
Yes, the play ends, the batter is awarded first base, and the runner that was hit is automatically out.
If a batted ball hits a base runner in fair territory before the ball has been touched by a defensive player or an umpire, the ball is dead, the runner is called out for interference, the batter is awarded first base, and all other runners advance one base if forced. If, however, the ball has been touched by a defensive player or an umpire before hitting the base runner, the ball is live and play proceeds as usual (unless the runner is judged by the umpire to have deliberately made contact with the ball, then the runner can be called out for interference, the ball is dead, the batter is awarded first base, and all other runners advance one base if forced, or, if flagrant, the batter can also be called out and no runners advance).