Yo u can hit it 3 times on each side
Yes. Unlike volleyball, in badminton, you must hit the ball only once, like its cousin, tennis.
A spike is a fast offensive hit to a specific spot in volleyball.
Im pretty sure it's legal as long as you don't touch the net.
when ever the volleyball happens to hit the floor it will count against u
Volleyball Tennis
unlimited hit you can hit it on your side as many times as needed. in normal volleyball you can only hit it 3 times and it needs to go over. usually a bump, set and a spike.
No, it is not legal, the serve must go over the net before it is touched by anybody.
YOu can spike in volleyball when you hit the ball down on the opposite team.
In most games, no, but if you are playing at a younger age, say 12 or 13, it will be legal in some tournaments, but not all.