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Q: Is it legal to cross to the other side in volleyball as long as the ball doesn't hit the ground?
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Yes, it is legal.

Is it legal to trade positions on the front line if it is done after the serve in volleyball?

yeah it is

Is it legal to bounce a washer off the ground and score?

It is legal to bounce a washer off the ground and score, though it is another good taunting.Yes. It is legal to bounce a washer off the ground and score.

What happens when the ball is served and hits the net but makes it over in volleyball?

Nothing, this is completely legal.

Is it legal to block a set in volleyball?

You can as long as the ball is on the plane of the net and you are not over (on there side of the net)

Is it legal to cross a closed highway?

Yes it is leagal to cross a closes highway

Is three hits on a side are legal in volleyball?

yes, three is the limit though. (bump,pass,spike)

Volleyball sub?

In volleyball, substitutes are legal and quite frequently used, if that's what you're asking.