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A fly ball is when the ball is hit high up in the air. A fly ball is almost always caught, so a line drive is the best thing to hit in softball.....Or its a sport where you use flies to push a ball into a goal.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

If the ball is caught and there is less than 2 outs and it is deep enough for the runner to score it is called a sacrifice fly ball

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βˆ™ 10y ago

In the game of Baseball, a fly ball is one which has been hit so that it remains in the air.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

a home run

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βˆ™ 15y ago

pop fly

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βˆ™ 12y ago

duck snort

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Q: In softball what is a fly ball?
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How can you score home from third in softball?

Past ball, the player scores on a hit or on a sacrifice fly ball, tag up on a hard it fly ball in the out field, a delayed steal, etc.

What happens in softball when a fly ball is hit and the base runner is not on a base?

Baserunner is out. Can't leave base til ball is hit.

Is a fly ball used in softball?

Yes. A flyball is a ball hit in the air higher tthn shoulder height. If caught before touching the ground the batter is out

What is mush ball?

a form of softball, also called "super slow pitch"

Why did they name softball softball?

They named it softball because the game of softball was derived from Baseball. The baseball had a hard core whereas the softball has a soft core, so they named it softball. Although the ball is not softball the core of the ball is soft.

Why the ball of baseball is hard why the game is called softball?

Baseball is not called softball. The game of softball is called softball because the ball used is softer than a baseball.

Who named the softball?

They named it softball because the game of softball was derived from baseball. The baseball had a hard core whereas the softball has a soft core, so they named it softball. Although the ball is not softball the core of the ball is soft.

How is baseball different from softball?

softball has a bigger ball and despite its name, the official softball is the same hard as a baseball also, the ball is pitched underarm in softball

What is pitching in softball?

Much like baseball pitching, softball pitching is used to throw a ball towards the batter. In baseball they throw overhand but in softball when your pitching you wind up, load, and throw underhand. There are more pitches possible in the softball pitching than baseball. All pitched possible to be thrown by a softball pitcher are screw ball, change-up, fastball, curve ball, rise ball, drop ball, and knuckle ball.

Which weighs more a basketball or a baseball?

Basketball - 22oz. Baseball - 51/8 oz. The basketball is heavier by 1 pound.

If a fly pop on softball is hit to right field and you are running bases what do you do?

If a fly pop on softball is hit to right field and you are running bases.. If you are on any base but Home, run halfway just in case the ball is caught. If the other team misses it.. keep on running. If the catch it run back to the base you were at.