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The challenge is of the spot and not whether a first down is made. If the ball, after replay, is spotted anywhere other than where it was spotted before the replay it is considered a successful challenge.

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Q: If the nfl coach challenges the ball spot the ball is respotted but does not result in a first down does the team get charged with a loss of a timeout and a challenge?
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When you challenge a play and you success do you lose a time out in the NFL?

No, teams do not get any additional timeouts if they win challenges. However, if a team loses a challenge they lose a timeout.

Does a coach lose a timeout if the challenge relults in a change in distance but no first down?

If any challenge goes in favor of the coach, the timeout is not deducted. So for your question, No, the coach does not lose a timeout.

Are college football teams charged a timeout for injury?

No, they are not.

What happens if a coach loses a challenge in football?

Whatever happened will just go on.( If a coach didn't think a touchdown was real he could challenge it. If the challenge is wrong then the team gets the points and they continue with the game. ) In addition, they will lose one of their remaining timeouts.

Can a coach challenge an incomplete pass on the field?

A coach can challenge a play at anytime in the game before either two minute warmings. After the two minute warning the review comes from up top. A coach will challenge a play when the call on the field was questionable and could be over turned. If he wins the challenge the call is overturned, although if he loses it the team will be charged with a timeout. You can Challenge most controversial calls on the field, I.E fumbles, catches, interceptions, even some kinds of fieldgoals. The challenge has been proven to be effective and for the most part fair and accurtate.

If a team is down to one timeout can they use a challenge?

It depends how much time is on the clock. If your under two (2) minutes you can not challenge anything. But if there is more you can challenge.

How does the coaches' challenege of a play work?

The coach on either team can throw a "red" challenge flag if they feel that the ref's call on the field is in error.This goes for defense or offense. If the call is reversed to in fact be in favor of the challenging coach, then the ref's decision on the field is overruled and there is no further action. If the call on the field stands (does not reverse due to the challenge of the coach), then the challenging coach is charged a timeout. A coach is only allowed two challenges per half of a football game.

How many challenges are allowed in NFL playoff game?

Coach's Challenges Per GameEach coach gets 2 challenges per game, but during the last 2 minutes of each half only the booth may challenge. If both challenges are successful, the coach is given a third challenge.Note, you can only challenge a play if you have a timeout remaining, so if a coach uses all his timeouts in the first minute of the 1st quarter, he cannot challenge the rest of the half (until he gets new timeouts at the start of the 3rd quarter), even if he still has both challenges remaining.Each team is allowed two challenges, however during the final two minutes of each half and any overtimes, reviews are iniated by the replay official. If a team wins both its challenges, they are allowed a third challenge.

Is there a penalty for not wearing a mouthpiece in NCAA football?

Yes, it is called equipment violation. It results in a timeout charged by the offending team.

What is a timeout on the floor in basketball and how does it differ from an official timeout?

Timeout on the floor is a timeout called by a player or coach on either team. An official timeout is a timeout called by the officials and is generally a timeout for a television or radio commercial break.

What are the Football Referee Flag colors?

They use yellow flags for penalties, and blue flags to represent a loose ball on the field. Coaches of the teams playing use red flags, which challenge the play that just occurred. Coaches only get two challenges a game (three if they win both the first two challenges), if they are wrong they will lose the challenge and a timeout.

In the NFL if a player is hurt on the field does the team get charged a timeout?

The "injured" player must stay off the field for at least the next play or his team will be charged with a "time out". (What happens if the team has no time outs remaining, I don't know)