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Yes, it is called equipment violation. It results in a timeout charged by the offending team.

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Q: Is there a penalty for not wearing a mouthpiece in NCAA football?
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What is the death penalty in college football?

In college football, "The Death Penalty" is a term used when the NCAA rules that a University must discontinue playing intercollegiate football for one or more years. It happened a few years back with Southern Methodist University.

Is face guarding in NCAA Football a penalty?

Faceguarding is a perfectly legal technique in the NFL and NCAA. That's not correct. NFL is perfectly legal as long as no contact as made. NCAA does not allow faceguarding, you must turn around and play the ball.

Is leaping a penalty in NCAA football?

yes, it is a penalty that occurs on a point after touchdown attempt when a player uses another player( teammate) in an attempt to propel himself higher to block the kick.

Is a mouthpiece required in football?

A mouthpiece is considered mandatory equipment and must be worn in NCAA football. The rule is 1-4d and it states: "ARTICLE 4. All players shall wear the following mandatory equipment, which shall be professionally manufactured and not altered to decrease protection.... d. Mouthpiece. An intra-oral mouthpiece of any readily visible color (not white or transparent) with FDA-approved base materials (FDCS) that covers all upper teeth..."

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In NCAA D3 football there is a total of 239 teams. Hope its what your after!

What are the release dates for NCAA Football - 1979?

NCAA Football - 1979 was released on: USA: 1979

How do you unlock the Nike Pro Combat uniforms on NCAA Football 11?

NCAA Football 11 Demo

Who are the D1 NCAA Football Champs for the past 100 years?

Click on the 'NCAA Football Champions' link on this page to see, from the NCAA, the past champions of football going back to the year 1869.

Can a football player be penalized fr spiking a football?

Type your answer here... In the NFL a player is allowed to spike the ball without incurring a penalty. In the NCAA spiking the football carries a 15 yard penalty for Unsportsmanlike ( UNS )

What pads are required in college football?

Protective helmet of players choice as long as it is up to school and/or NCAA standards, shoulder pads, protective cup, cleats, an mouthpiece. Thigh, tail, and knee pads are highly encouraged but not required.

Can a football game end on offensive penalty?

yes but the game can only end on a defensive penalty if it is declined by the offensive team

Does NCAA football 09 have high school state playoffs for ps2?

No NCAA Football 09 does not have high school state playoffs for the PS2. NCAA Football 09 was released on July 15, 2008.