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The ball must go back over the net on no more than 3 hits.

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16y ago
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11y ago

3 times. on the third hit the ball must go over the net

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14y ago


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3 times

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Q: How many time may one team hit the ball before the ball must go over the net?
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How many hits are you allowed before the ball must over the net and what is the exception to this rule?

u have to hit 3 hits

How many times must the ball be hit before going over net?

three hits are supposed to happen before the ball goes over the net.(bump, set, spike!)

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Fair. If the ball hits the bag [base] first then goes foul it is fair

How many legitimate balls are there in an over?

There are six balls in an over. There have been 8 ball overs (mainly in Australia before 1970) and 4 ball overs (In England before 1870) All cricket is now 6 ball overs.

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The ball must be given a no ball

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How do you hit a cricket ball for six?

By hitting the ball over the boundary without the ball touching the ground before hand. If the ball touches the ground before the boundary but goes over it, it scores four.

Can a ball hit the floor before hitting the it back over the net after a serve?

No, in volleyball the ball cannot hit the floor once it is served or else it is considered a"dead" ball.

If at a penalty kick in rugby the ball bounces before going over the posts would this count a sucssessful kick at goal?

No its fail as a kick. However, if the ball is placed by the kicker and when the run up starts the ball falls over the kicker cannot replace the ball the must play it from that point - It would normally be drop kicked over to complete the penalty kick.

In football if the ball goes out of bounds and a player is inbounds and catches the ball when it is out but he isn't is it a complete pass?

The ball is not "out of bounds" unless the ball or the player who possesses it touches the ground in an out of bounds area. So in the case where the ball is in flight over the sideline, and a player who is inbounds catches it and demonstrates control before stepping out, the pass is complete.

How many touches are allowed in a team before the ball pass over the net?

3 hits.

What does carrying the ball mean in volley ball?

you hold it for a split second before throwing it over