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None or up to 3. Depends on what the coach has done previously in the game. Soccer only allows 3 substitutions in any official game.

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Q: How many substitutions can be made in overtime in soccer?
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Related questions

When can substitutions not be made in youth soccer?

Substitutions may be made during any stoppage in play and with the referee's permission. Many leagues modify this rule to limit substitution opportunities, particularly when unlimited substitutions are allowed.

How many substitutions could they do 20 years ago in football soccer?

The number of substitutions is the same for over 30 years. This is three for each team of the match.

What shows how many players are on a soccer team?

professional soccer team websites show their teams' lineup, showing that the older soccer teams play 10 and a goalie with only 3 allowed substitutions. as for younger teams they play 7 and a goalie with unlimited substitutions.

How many substitute in soccer?

in fútbol, you are allowed three substitutions per 45 minute half

What the maximum number of substitutes allowed for each team in a soccer team?

FIFA, the international governing body, mandates that in international matches ONLY THREE substitutions be made. However, many youth leauges modify this rule to unlimited substitutions.

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How many players play at a time for a team in soccer?

11 players play for each team in a soccer match (including the goalkeeper.)

How many players in one soccer team?

There are 22 players on the field or pitch in both Football (Soccer) and American Football at any given time. 11 from each team.However there are significant differences in the number of substitutions allowed in a match and how many people can be on the "bench" (i.e. how many players a manager can chose from to make substitutions).

How many substitutions were made in the last world cup?

one, that was Joe Cullis, he scored 5 goals

How many substitutions can be made in major league baseball?

There's no limit to substitutions in MLB. Players who have left the game can't be substituted back in, so the limiting factor is the number of players available on the roster (limited to 25 for most of the season).

How many Substitutions in volleyball?

i want to say 12.